92 Minerals, just in one Jar!
Benefits of Sea Moss
Improves Nutrient absorption rate
Boost Immunity
Supports Cell oxygenation
Reduces Inflammation
Suppresses Appetite
Rich in Iron
Reduces Acid Reflux
Rids body of Mucus
Relieves cough
Assist with allergies
Improves Metabolism
Increases Sex drive/fertility
Improves circulation
Energy Booster
Can help regulate thyroid
Improves Skin
low calories
Contains Antioxidants
Helps with Anemia
approves digestive health
Sea Moss should be refrigerated. It is taken by mouth. If its your first time taking sea moss, in the first week, take 1 tsp twice a day. On the following week or if its not your first time take 1 tbsp. twice a day. for the duration.
If refrigerated Sea Moss will last 4weeks.
If frozen. Start the 4 weeks from the date thawed.